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If you can't access any of the below, contact me and I'll be happy to send you a copy. 

I have also acted as a peer reviewer for multiple high profile journals such as Visual Communication and Global Environmental Change.

Forthcoming (submitted, under review, accepted)

Gan, Y., Hayes, S., Whitmarsh, L. (under review) The Greta Effect: Is there more public support for climate protesters who are young and female? Environmental Science and Policy. 

Hayes, S., Gabbatiss, J., Butler, C. (under review). From Climate Scepticism to Discourses of Delay in UK Editorials. Environmental Communication.

Hayes, S., and O’Neill, S. (under review) VISUAL POLITICS, PROTEST, AND POWER: Who shaped the climate visual discourse at COP26?, Journalism Studies

Blewitt, O., Hayes, S., Westwood, N., White, V., O’Neill, S. (under review) Beyond the ‘iconic’ climate visual: investigating absent representations of climate change, in Dahmen, N., and Thomson, T.J., The Routledge Companion to Visual Journalism, Routledge


Lait, J. Hayes, H., Hayes, S., Auster, R., Fox, E., Timmins, M., Bauchot, A. (2024) Negotiating structural barriers to environmental collaborations in doctoral programmes, Geo: Geography and Environment. 


Hayes, S., and Manktelow, C. (2023) Reconciling impact and participation: Reflections on collaborating with specialist organisations for PhD research. Area 55(4): 448–455.


O’Neill, S., Hayes, S., Strauß, N., Doutreix, M., Steentjes, K., Ettinger, J., … Painter, J. (2022) Visual portrayals of fun in the sun misrepresent heatwave risks in European newspapers. The Geographical Journal.


Hayes, S., O’Neill, S. (2021) The Greta Effect: Visualising climate protest in UK media and the Getty Images collections. Global Environmental Change, 71.

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